21st Annual National Forum on Quality Improvement in Health Care
When: Dec 7, 2009
Where: Orlando World Center Marriott Orlando FL
Institute for Healthcare Improvement presents:
NOVACES is proud to be an exhibitor!
While the nation debates about health care reform, those of us who are committed to health care improvement must regain focus on what matters most – providing safe, effective patient care at a reasonable cost. There has never been a more crucial time to be together, share ideas, take stock, and begin making the changes the nation needs now.
There are over 200 sessions offered at the National Forum. Sessions are organized into the following "tracks," or content areas.
- Hospital Care
- Innovation and Spread
- Leadership and Governance
- Measurement, Tools, Technology, and Quality Processes
- Office Practices and Outpatient Settings
- Patient- and Family-Centeredness
- Patient Safety
- Student
- Quality Improvement for Vulnerable Populations
- Health Care Quality Research
- New! Health Care Financial Management
Orlando World Center Marriott hosts this event.